Matthew LeHew
Assistant Professor of Communication and
Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) Fellow,
Dalton State College
I thrive on making learning happen for anyone and everyone, including myself. My teaching career is supported by a foundation of empathy, accessibility, and inclusion.
In the classroom, I cultivate an atmosphere of trust and respect while encouraging metacognition and a growth mindset. Outside the classroom, I develop instructional scenarios that move beyond knowledge transfer and embrace personal investment and reflection. To create these experiences, I utilize accessible writing and professional tools for graphic design and video production along with a variety of learning management systems.
While researching social norms in virtual communities, I wield R and Python to analyze language patterns at social media scale through supervised and unsupervised machine learning techniques like topic modeling and transfer learning.
I’m excited to talk about almost anything, including accessibility in OERs, collaborative publishing, theories of learning, ed tech, gamification, and society and games in general.
I’m always focused on the best opportunities to make learning and personal growth more accessible and equitable for everyone.